As we emerge from lock down, I have been curious around how I can retain the bits that I enjoyed.
I enjoyed, I loved, I rejoiced at how the world went online. For many years requests to meet online have been met by ‘we dont do that’! Often these requests were made by people who could really benefit from a change in imagination and culture. Disabled people, people who live remotely, people who want to drive less, people who want to be more available to their families.
What celebration that within a few weeks all the cultural and social and imagination barriers to meeting these requests evaporated!
We experimented as an NVC community, and many of us ppushed past our judgements around the quality of connection would be sufficient to hold group spaces. We learnt how to use the available tools to continue our NVC practices, sharing and working. This has let me meet, learn from, and share NVC with people living around the world! What a gift!
This change has let me control my environment, save carbon, save time, and save money. Oh what a joy it was for me to witness this pause in pollution, this window of potential change!
And, most of us will have really missed the qualities of being in proximity to those that we are meeting and connecting with. Most of us will be overwhelmed with screen time.
Now as lockdown is ending, I have delighted in hugs and seeing 3d people, and rediscovering that people have bodies beneath their shoulders! Now I am curious, how can I carry with me the joy of online meeting, with the lengthening days, and my need to be away from screens.
During the lockdown to meet all the needs, I often went for a walk, went down the beach, cleaned the house, laid in bed or even had a bath during meetings. There are technical challenges, that I have yet to fully meet. For instance because my bluetooth headset doesnt have a ‘mute’ button, when I go off camera to make tea, I mute on the laptop so that the kettle boiliing noise doesn’t disturb the meeting. I really enjoy the weirdness of still being in the meeting, as I make my tea. But many times, it has resulted in a short sprint to the laptop, to unmute and breathlessly respond to the question I have been asked !
Here is my experiment, I offer it here and request feedback.
Mixed movement Online Meetings.
Requires a phone and a bluetooth headset. Acknowledging that wind is a problem so I will both be experimenting with a wind sock and choosing more sheltered walks for windy days.
Have the check-in whilst sitting down.
Then switch cameras off and go for a walk.
In my previous experiments, many people delighted in my sharing of sunsets, rainbows, campfire and seaside views during the meeting. Of course, the meetings that I would do this were often social, event organising or party planning. Sometimes, I would even take a blue tooth speaker and dance on the empty beach…